Financial Services – Terms of Business Statement

Joe Harte Property and Finance Limited is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland as an Insurance Intermediary under the European Communities (Insurance Mediation) Regulations, 2005, a Debt Management Firm under Part V of the Central Bank Act, 1997 (as amended by the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement) Act, 2013), as a Mortgage Intermediary under the Consumer Credit Act, 1995 (as amended) and as a Mortgage Credit Intermediary pursuant to the European Union (Consumer Mortgage Credit Agreements) Regulations 2016. Our registration number is C57738.  Copies of our Authorisations are available on request.

Statutory Codes

Joe Harte Property and Finance Limited is subject to and complies with the Consumer Protection Code, the Minimum Competency Code and The Fitness and Probity Standards. These Codes offer protection to consumers and can be found on the Central Bank of Ireland website:

Services Provided

Debt Management—We provide advice on debt management and negotiate where agreed with Clients with their Banks.  We are regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland to provide debt management services, C57738.

Life Insurance, Pensions, Specified Illness—As an Insurance Intermediary, we are authorised to advise you in relation to the Insurance products of the product providers we hold an appointment with. We hold appointments with Irish Life Assurance plc, Zurich life Assurance plc, Royal London Ireland, New Ireland and Aviva Life & Pensions Ltd.  We use a quotation service which includes quotations from 5 insurance companies from Best Advice.  The 5 companies that we have Agencies with usually price match to the lowest quotation of the 5 companies.

Mortgages— We provide advice on a limited analysis of the market in relation to residential mortgages through our agency with PIBA Mortgage Services,

Remuneration Structure

  1. We may be remunerated by charging fees for our time. 2. We may be remunerated by the product providers we place business with by a commission payment. 3. We may be remunerated by the preferred partners to whom we make a referral for new business and renewal business by way of shared commission.

Schedule of Fees & Charges

Our fee and charges will be applied as follows:

Life Insurance, Pension & Serious Illness:

We are remunerated by the product providers we place business with by a commission payment only.

Debt Management:

  1. The fee for debt management advice is €140.00 (One hundred and forty euro) exclusive of VAT per hour. The amount inclusive of 23% VAT will be €172.20 (One hundred and seventy two euro and twenty cent).
  2. Administration work done in office other than by Joe Harte will be charged at €50 (Fifty euro) per hour exclusive of VAT. The amount inclusive of 23% VAT will be €61.50 (Sixty one euro and fifty cent).
  3. On signing our debt management agreement, there is €500 payable exclusive of VAT.  The amount inclusive of 23% VAT will be €615.  This is not an additional payment.  This payment will be shown on client statements of account and all invoices and will not be credited against any invoice until the last invoice on completion of the agreement.  If the last invoice is less than €615.00, the full difference will be refunded regardless.
  4. In addition to 1 above, 2% plus VAT of any debt reduction amount agreed will be payable. The payment is due at the time of a written agreement being offered by the lender and agreed by the client.
  5. Customers can decide at any time to cease with our service. For clarity, we require this in writing. The amount payable is that due at the time the customers cease.


We may receive commission on Mortgage products of up to 1% of the mortgage amount.  We a mortgage application preparatory service to help advise and facilitate the preparing of an application for a mortgage. The cost of this service is free to you as we receive commission from Mortgage provider.

Compensation Scheme

We are members of the Investor Compensation Scheme established under Section 38 of the Investor Compensation Act 1998.  The Act provides that compensation shall be paid to eligible investors (as defined in the Act) to the extent of 90% of an investor’s net loss of €20,000, whichever is the lesser and is recognised as being eligible for compensation.

Premium Handling

We will not accept payments in cash.  We accept payments by cheque only in respect of  Insurance contracts which have been accepted by an Insurance Company and cheques are made payable to the Insurance Company. We are not authorised to accept cash or negotiable instruments in any other circumstances.

Failure to Pay or Default

Product producers may withdraw benefits or cover on default of any payments due under any products arranged for your benefit.  Details of these provisions will be included in your policy terms and conditions.

Joe Harte Property & Finance Ltd—Work for clients is dependent on clients meeting our payment conditions.  These are outlined in our terms of engagement contract signed in advance by the client.  We will also exercise, if necessary, our legal right to receive any payments due to us for business services provided in the event of a default in payment.

Conflicts of Interest

Our employees are required to comply with a policy of independence and disregard any conflict of interest when making a recommendation to you.

Complaints Procedure

We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint in writing within 5 working days.

A written update will be issued to you every 20 days by a nominated individual within our firm.

A comprehensive response to your complaint will be issued within 40 days of receipt of your initial complaint.

In the event of any failure to resolve your complaint you may raise this matter with the Financial Services Ombudsman Bureau  Tel: 1890 – 88 20 90  The Pensions Ombudsman Tel: 01 676 6002  A full copy of our complaints procedure is available on request.

Duty to Disclose Information

It is your responsibility to provide complete and accurate information for insurers when arranging an insurance policy.  Failure to disclose any material information to your insurers could invalidate your insurance cover and could mean that all or part of a claim will not be paid. It is also your responsibility to provide complete and accurate information to Financial Institutions in order for them to conduct a proper credit worthiness assessment when arranging Mortgage finance.

Contact with Clients

The methods with which we could contact you follow:

  • Home phone, Work phone, Mobile phone, Email, Post or Text

If you are agreeable for us to contact you in all of these ways then please initial here

Initials ………………….…………………..

Data Protection

We collect your personal details in order to provide the highest standard of service to you.  We take great care with the information provided; taking steps to keep it secure and to ensure it is used only for legitimate purposes.  To fulfil these objectives, we may share information with other affiliated professionals. The information and other data provided to our office may be used to advise you of products and services we may offer from time to time. You have the right at any time to request a copy of any ‘personal data’ within the meaning of the Data Protection Act 1988 (as amended or re-enacted from time to time) that our office holds about you and to have any inaccuracies in that information corrected.

I/we confirm that I/we consent to the sharing of information with other affiliated professionals   You may indicate your agreement by signing here.

___________________                   ___________________

Name                                                Name

Conclusion to Terms of Business Statement:

You may sign below to indicate your agreement to this terms of business statement. 

___________________                   ___________________

Name                                                Name

Marketing Capture and Opt Out:

We collect your personal details in order to provide the highest standard of service to you.  We take great care with the information provided; taking steps to keep it secure and to ensure it is used only for legitimate purposes.  To fulfil these objectives we may share information with other affiliated professionals.  The information and other data provided to our office may be used to advise you of other products and services we offer from time to time.

If you do not wish to receive this information please tick here.   □

Joe Harte Property & Finance Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland.

Version 18 January 2017